
What is Commercial Law?

Commercial Law is a branch of law that regulates the commercial activities of individuals or companies. These activities cover a wide range of topics, from the registration of trade names to the operations of commercial businesses and bankruptcy processes.

Main topics under Commercial Law include:

  • Establishment of commercial businesses,
  • Preparation and execution of commercial contracts,
  • Rights and obligations of merchants,
  • Commercial lawsuits and disputes.

Fundamental Topics of Commercial Law

Merchant and Commercial Enterprise

A merchant is a person who operates a commercial business. Merchants are required to be registered with the trade registry and use a trade name. A commercial enterprise is an economic activity unit with a specific organization, conducted for the purpose of generating income.

Trade Name and Brands Each merchant must select a trade name for their activities and register it with the trade registry. The trade name and brand form the identity of the business.

Commercial Contracts One of the most important elements in commercial law is contracts. Sales, lease, transportation, insurance, credit, and other commercial contracts define the rights and obligations of the parties.

Unfair Competition and Business Ethics Unfair competition refers to actions that violate the principles of honesty in commercial activities. Commercial law includes regulations to prevent such situations and establish fair trade practices.

Commercial Lawsuits Disputes arising from commercial activities fall under commercial lawsuits. These cases are resolved within the framework of the Turkish Commercial Code and are typically handled in civil courts and commercial courts of first instance.

Bankruptcy and Concordat When merchants are unable to pay their debts, legal processes such as bankruptcy or concordat come into play. These processes aim to protect the rights of both creditors and debtors.

Legal Support and Consultancy

Commercial Law covers all legal issues that companies and individuals may encounter in their commercial relationships. With expert support, you can secure your commercial activities and minimize potential risks.

Our services include:

  • Trade name registration and brand consultancy,
  • Preparation and revision of commercial contracts,
  • Unfair competition lawsuits,
  • Legal support in bankruptcy and concordat processes.

For your commercial law needs, our expert team is here to assist! Contact us to get answers to your questions and receive the best service.